
Statement of Commitment on Climate by Humanitarian Organisations, December 2020

Published on 14 December 2020

The climate and environmental crisis is a global emergency. It is already affecting all the world’s people and ecosystems, and the most vulnerable people, who have contributed least to these changes, are the hardest hit. Without mitigation and preservation measures, these crises will continue to impact on humanitarian needs and the chances of vulnerable populations to improve their living conditions in the long term.
Solidarity organisations must therefore adapt their way of working to respond to these crises and help people to be more resilient, to prepare for and adapt to this new reality, and to preserve and conserve their environment.
The actions of aid organisations, crucial though they are, can nevertheless have an impact on the environment and climate. Taking account of these issues is therefore a question of the overall coherence of their actions, setting an example and respecting the principle of “do no harm”.

In order to be in line with international commitments to reduce emissions and global warming, thirteen NGOs have pledged to reduce emissions by 50% by 2030 : ACTED, Action contre la Faim, ALIMA, CARE France, Électriciens Sans Frontières, le Gret, le Groupe URD, Handicap international, Médecins du Monde, Première Urgence Internationale, Secours Islamique France, Solidarités International and Terre des hommes.

The Declaration is open to everyone! If you would like to sign it or for more information, please contact secretariat@environnementhumanitaire.org.

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