Joint Initiative (EEC)

Packaging Matters Webinar on Reuse & Repurposing Waste, September 2023

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With this webinar series, the JI will look at some of the lessons learnt from organizations having encouraged and implemented reuse and repurpose options of their own packaging waste. What do these experiences teach us? How can we plan for a better reuse and repurpose of our packaging waste in a durable way? What are some of the health, environmental, reputational risks around reusing and repurposing our waste ?

This webinar series will first explore what reusing and repurposing waste in humanitarian contexts entails and what some of the risks and opportunities are for humanitarian organizations, and then dig into examples from two of JI’s partner organisations.

Time and date of the webinar: September 21st, 3-4PM CET

To sign up, contact samantha.brangeon@icf.com.

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